National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance Experts
Successfully navigating a project through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process can be an extremely expensive, long-duration, and complicated procedure. Alternatively, with proper management the NEPA process can be expedited and reasonably predictable. Utilizing an environmental consultant that has extensive experience with the various NEPA processes can save both time and money, but of equal importance, we ensure the proposed activity will be given proper and fair consideration during NEPA review. Steigers Corporation possesses the experience and skills to develop NEPA programs suited for each individual project that will result in reasonable cost, the requisite environmental compliance, and a favorable outcome for the client.
Experience and Skills
Systems for Navigating the NEPA Process
Steigers Corporation staff have managed and executed numerous NEPA projects ranging from large Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) for complex and controversial projects to routine Environmental Assessments (EAs) for minor federal actions. Steigers has experience working as an independent third-party contractor in completing NEPA compliance tasks, including preparation of EAs, EISs, and supporting NEPA documents. Alternatively, we often serve as the project’s direct representative in the NEPA process. As the project’s representative, we develop a specific program that guides the framework of the NEPA analysis while working to prevent the NEPA process from becoming a vehicle to derail or delay a project.
NEPA in Practice
Steigers’ staff has extensive experience in completing all aspects of the NEPA process from the initial information review through compliance with related federal and state regulatory processes. Our staff has also been actively involved in the development of a variety of NEPA support documents for development projects, including various license and permit applications, technical analyses, EIS implementation plans, and EIS mitigation plans.
NEPA in Development
Steigers utilizes experience to provide commercial and industrial projects with comprehensive NEPA support including:
Public Involvement and NEPA
Steigers’ staff specialize in facilitating the public involvement process as part of NEPA analysis:
Field Studies
Steigers’ staff specialize in the completion of biological field studies in support of the NEPA process including: