Trident St. Paul Seafood Processing Plant
Trident St. Paul Seafood Processing Plant
Type: Air Quality
Location: St. Paul Island, AK
Steigers Corporation prepared an air quality Construction Permit application to resolve a potential regional air quality problem in a Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Special Protection Area in Alaska. To support the permitting effort, Steigers Corporation conducted air quality dispersion modeling for the St. Paul Seafood Processing Plant and other regional emission sources. The modeling analyses for the St. Paul Processing Plant included evaluation of multiple operating scenarios to demonstrate compliance with National Ambient Air Quality Standards and Prevention of Significant Deterioration increments. The project successfully coordinated air quality permit approvals for several competing industrial facilities in St. Paul to the satisfaction of all involved.
Steigers Corporation also prepared a Title V Operating Permit application for the St. Paul Seafood Processing Plant that was deemed complete by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. We provided comments on the draft Title V Operating Permit on behalf of our client to modify or remove terms and conditions lacking a legal basis.