State of Alaska Healy Clean Coal Project

State of Alaska Healy Clean Coal Project
Location: Healy, AK
Steigers Corporation staff began work on the Healy Clean Coal Project in January 1990 through December 2010. We provided environmental program management and permitting services to the State of Alaska for development and construction of a new 50-MW Clean Coal project.
Project management services included overseeing all field data collection and investigations for preparation of an Environmental Information Volume to support development of the federal EIS and multiple permit applications. Most notably Steigers Corporation managed all environmental studies, analyses, and environmental subcontractors; reviewed environmental documents produced by federal and state agencies; monitoring all permit applications; liaised with federal agency personnel on environmental issues relating to the EIS; and provided support during negotiations with the National Park Service and others.
Sited near Denali National Park and Preserve, a federal Class I air quality non-degradation area, the project required extensive consultation and coordination for air quality and visibility modeling, Best Available Control Technology (BACT) analysis, and documentation of impacts on Air Quality Related Values (AQRV). Steigers Corporation provided these services, prepared and coordinated the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) air permit application, and expedited completion of agency permitting responsibilities. The PSD permit application was the first major PSD permit application the State of Alaska deemed to be technically complete as originally submitted.
The Healy Clean Coal Project was highly politically sensitive, ultimately resulting in a negotiated settlement agreement involving signatory by the Secretaries of the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Department of Energy.