Black Eagle 100kV Line and Substation Replacement Project

Black Eagle 100kV Line and Substation Replacement Project
Type: Natural Resources, FERC
Location: Black Eagle, MT
The Black Eagle Project required replacement of an existing, aging 100-kV radial line and wooden H-frame structures and the addition of All-Dielectric Self-Supporting fiber optic cable along sections of a 2.5-mile corridor that interconnects the Black Eagle Hydroelectric Plant to NorthWestern Energy’s Riverview substation.
The Black Eagle Project provided significant levels of complexity from the standpoint of land use and ownership, access, easements, right-of-ways, a state recreation area, presence of an active bald eagle nest during construction, and potential for encountering hazardous waste as a result of historic smelter operations. Not only did the project area traverse multiple land ownerships and land use, approximately half of the corridor was located on the former Anaconda Copper Mining Company and Smelter and Refinery Site that is listed on the Superfund National Priorities List.
Steigers Corporation was tasked with providing regulatory management and oversight for all phases of the Black Eagle Project. Preliminary design through post-construction, including, but not limited to the preparation of permit applications and supporting documents, compliance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license, coordination with private landowners, biological field investigations, post-construction revegetation monitoring, and development and implementation of multiple environmental plans.
Steigers Corporation’s role also included direct communication and coordination with the owner, design engineers, contractors, legal counsel, and construction management team to meet critical project milestones and deadlines, address design changes and implications to regulatory compliance, and obtain necessary permit authorizations from the appropriate federal, state, and/or local entities in a timely manner prior to commencing construction.