Renewable Energy Environmental Impact Services
The ever-developing renewable energy industry is a demonstration of the importance of reliable, high quality sources of energy to meet our evolving energy requirements. Renewable energy includes a wide variety of technologies each with its own demands for environmental compliance. One constant among the varied energy technologies is the need for environmental support services with the experience and proven capability to negotiate the regulatory and political complexities of the review and approval process.
Steigers Corporation retains a team of senior scientists, engineers, and consultants with decades of collective experience in the energy industry. Renewable energy projects require strong environmental technical support, which is only valuable when combined with skilled, practiced, and innovative communications capabilities. By integrating experienced staff with your development team, we can negotiate the most complicated project through technical review, public involvement, and regulatory approval.
Renewable Energy Industries
Renewable Energy Services
Environmental Program Management
Renewable energy projects; thermal, wind, hydro, solar; will include a number of environmental components; water, air, land, wildlife; that collectively define the project “Environmental Program.” By integrating each of these technical disciplines under a common umbrella, Steigers produces a cost/benefit demonstration of the value and benefit of a renewable energy project as compared to the project’s environmental footprint. Only by managing environmental compliance as a program, is it possible to effectively manage the perception of project development, which otherwise too often results in a stumbling block for project success.
Bioenergy/Waste to Energy
The general practice and related technologies to convert biomass and waste to usable energy have made significant advancements in the recent pass. As with anything new or uncommon, the approval process to bring these technologies on line can be very difficult. This is primarily due to the lack of historical information and lack of familiarity on the part of the agencies and the public. Steigers has the experience to develop air quality, water quality, and natural resources studies, planning documents, and approvals that create clarity and efficiently navigate these projects through to operation.
Wind Energy
Wind energy projects often cover very large areas in remote locations where land disturbance and potential effects on wildlife can significantly influence project outcome. Similarly site access, long transmission interconnects, and combinations of public and private land ownership all can influence the level of effort required to bring wind generation projects through to completion. While a large land area may be available for development, a specific location is typically preferred for actual development. Preliminary studies and data collection must be used effectively in predictive planning to ensure the development of these projects can occur as planned.
Developing Technologies
New power generating technologies such as solar and geothermal are often influenced by a lack of understanding of the potential for environmental effects. A seemingly straightforward micro-hydro generating facility incorporated into a small public water supply system can be delayed or prevented because impacts to regional aquatic species are simply unknown. These projects demand a thorough knowledge of the regional resource and the influences of operations to convincingly demonstrate actual effects. A strong educational approach and the experience to effectively communicate it will ensure project success.