Corridors & Pipeline Projects
Pipelines and pipeline infrastructure perform numerous vital functions to support the developed environment, from conveying fresh water to cities, sewage waste to treatment facilities, process liquids to manufacturing facilities, and oil and gas from production wells to the end consumer. Every project has unique requirements that necessitate careful consideration of the plan of development.
Steigers has direct experience on pipeline projects ranging from small local utilities to large production materials transfer systems to regional water supply networks. Our experience allows us to build an environmental compliance program that is tailored to the unique requirements associated with the project, region, land ownership, and environment – all developed in the context of the goals of the project.
Planning Ensures Success
Well-considered planning to ensure proper pipeline siting and a comprehensive environmental compliance program for project development are mandatory to meet the stringent environmental compliance requirements placed on pipeline development projects. Steigers’ understanding of applicable requirements, current standards, and regional conditions, combined with experience-based predictive capabilities to forestall complications in the approval process, routinely results in successful projects.
Route Selection
The route selected for a pipeline development project will determine the level of difficulty encountered during project development. There are a variety of tools that aid in route selection (most of which are GIS-based), and these often provide a good starting point in selecting a route. However, to ensure regional complications or subtle nuances in the landscape are adequately considered, it is imperative that a thorough review of route alternatives be completed independently of any software-based analysis. Steigers staff have the practical knowledge necessary to complete data reviews, map analyses, and ground truthing to identify and avoid issues at the earliest stages of project development.
Project Construction
Construction delays resulting from environmental compliance issues are costly and can be easily avoided if the project has undergone proper planning well in advance of groundbreaking. We have a long history of working with owners, design engineers, and contractors to develop an environmental program that ensures all permitting documents are in place and these documents are developed to be practical, provide sufficient flexibility, and to function cooperatively with one another.
Ongoing Compliance
Following project construction there are quite often a number of ongoing short- and long-term environmental requirements that must be addressed to ensure all compliance requirements continue to be met. These may include revegetation monitoring, wildlife studies, and stormwater inspections as well as ongoing spill compliance, air emissions monitoring, and reporting. We take a comprehensive approach to all projects and develop post-construction compliance plans that meet all mandated requirements, minimize these efforts, and afford the flexibility necessary to expediently demonstrate compliance.